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Your search returned 1679 results.

Case Studies in Contracting and Organization / ed. Scott E. Masten. by
  • Masten, Scott E [Ed.]
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Oxford University Press, 1996
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 081473-00-00/01.

Principles of Communication Systems / Herbert Taub, Donald L. Schilling. by
  • Taub, Herbert
  • Schilling, Donald L
Series: (McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical Engineering)Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 074473-00-00/01.

Adaptive Estimation and Control : Partitioning Approach / Keigo Watanabe. by
  • Watanabe, Keigo
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Prentice Hall International, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 074589-00-00/01.

Microcomputer-Based Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering / Gary J. Lastman, Naresh K. Sinha. by
  • Lastman, Gary J
  • Sinha, Naresh K
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Saunders College Publishing, 1989
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 074471-00-00/01.

Chaos and Fractals : New Frontiers of Science / Heinz Otto Peitgen, Hartmut Jurgens, Dietmar Saupe. by
  • Peitgen, Heinz Otto
  • Jurgens, Hartmut
  • Saupe, Dietmar
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 074816-00-00/01.

Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Systems / Witold Pedrycz. by
  • Pedrycz, Witold
Series: (Electronic & Electrical Engineering Research Studies : Control Theory and Applications) ; Series 4Language: English
Publication details: New York : John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 076031-00-00/01.

Principles of Vibration and Sound / Thomas D. Rossing, Neville H. Fletcher. by
  • Rossing, Thomas D
  • Fletcher, Neville H
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077131-00-00/01.

Ferromagnetism / Richard M. Bozorth. by
  • Bozorth, Richard M
Series: (An IEEE Press Classic Reissure)Language: English
Publication details: New York : The Instituteof Electrical Engineers, Inc., 1993
Availability: Not available: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej: Checked out (1).

Combustion : A Study in Theory, Fact and Application / Jerzy Chomiak. by
  • Chomiak, Jerzy
Series: (Energy and Engineering Science Series)Language: English
Publication details: New York : Abacus Press/Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1990
Availability: Not available: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej: Checked out (1).

Plastic Design and Second-Order Analysis of Steel Frames / W. F. Chen, I. Sohal. by
  • Chen, W. F
  • Sohal, I
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Veralg, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077154-00-00/01.

Fractal Image Compression : Theory and Application / Yuval Fisher. by
  • Fisher, Yuval
Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077162-00-00/01.

Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity / Stuart S. Antman. by
  • Antman, Stuart S
Series: (Applied Mathematical Sciences) ; Vol. 107Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077164-00-00/01.

IEEE International Symposium on EMC : Compatibility in the Loop : Symposium Record. Chicago 22-26 August 1994. by
  • IEEE 1994 International Symposium on EMC (1994 ; Chicago, USA)
Language: English
Publication details: New York : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077022-00-00/01.

Introduction to Game Theory / Peter Morris. by
  • Morris, Peter
Series: (Universitext)Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1994
Availability: Not available: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej: Checked out (1).

Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis from Equilibrium to Chaos / Rudiger Seydel. by
  • Seydel, Rudiger
Series: (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics) ; 5Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077200-00-00/01.

Homology Theory : An Introduction to Algebraic Topology / James W. Vick. by
  • Vick, James W
Series: (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) ; 145Language: English
Publication details: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 077202-00-00/01.

Control and Management of Capital Projects / John W. Hackney. by
  • Hackney, John W
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 076209-00-00/01.

Optimum Signal Processing : An Introduction / Sophocles J. Orfanidis. by
  • Orfanidis, Sophocles J
Language: English
Publication details: New York : MacMillan Publishing Company, 1985
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (2)Call number: Z 076219-00-00/01, ... Items available for reference: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej: W czytelni (2)Call number: WE 005931-00-00/01, ...

Multinationals, Unions, and Labor Relations in Industrialized Countries / Ed. Robert F. Banks, Jack Stieber. by
  • Banks, Robert F [Ed.]
  • Stieber, Jack [Ed.]
Series: (Cornell International Industrial and Labor Relations Report) ; No 9Language: English
Publication details: New York : Cornell University, 1978
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 076236-00-00/01. Items available for reference: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej: W czytelni (2)Call number: WZ 000299-00-00/01, ...

Handbook of Structural Ceramics / Ed. Mel M. Schwartz. by
  • Schwartz, Mel M [Ed.]
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Częstochowskiej (1)Call number: Z 078632-00-00/01.
